Friends Dance to the Music While Driving with the Top Down
Clip Details
- Clip ID: FFAAC0062
- Scene ID: AAA0063
- Frame Rate: 23.976
- File Type: ProRes and MP4
- Resolution: 3840x2160
- Filmed in the USA
- Filmmaker: FILMPAC
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Summer Friends
Relevant Keywords
- friend
- joy
- smile
- happy
- sunset
- joyful
- joyous
- enjoyment
- smiling
- grin
- grinning
- happiness
- cheerful
- glad
- gladness
- cheery
- cheer
- time of day
- laugh
- laughter
- humor
- giggle
- giggling
- laughing
- humorous
- adventure
- adventuresome
- adventurous
- explore
- exploring
- wonder
- fun
- having fun
- amusing
- road trip
- carefree
- travel
- traveling
- travelling
- traveller
- traveler
- summer
- season
- sun
- bright
- sunny
- sunshine
- outdoors
- driving
- drive
- vehicle
- smiles
- hair
- wind
- windy
- breeze
- breezy
- gust
- sing
- singing
- dance
- dancing
- dancer
- move
- rhythm
- beat
- buddy
- buddies
- pals
- friendship
- companionship
- steering
- young adult
- millenial
- young
- woman
- female
- lady
- caucasian
- white
- hispanic
- hispanic american
- latino
- latina
- latinx
- mexican