Athlete Doing Power Cleans In Home Gym
Clip Details
- Clip ID: FFAAF0765
- Scene ID: AAA0218
- Frame Rate: 23.976
- File Type: ProRes and MP4
- Resolution: 3840x2160
- Filmed in the USA
- Filmmaker: FILMPAC
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Man Doing Home Exercise
Relevant Keywords
- fitness
- physical fitness
- good shape
- exercise
- healthy
- active
- lifestyle
- sports
- sport
- athletics
- athlete
- athletic
- competition
- weightlifting
- weightlift
- bodybuilding
- weight training
- weights
- train
- training
- weight
- lifting weights
- flex
- flexing
- aggressive
- bold
- fierce
- day
- daylight
- morning
- afternoon
- a.m.
- am
- daytime
- day time
- push ups
- muscular
- muscles
- buff
- shredd
- shredded
- sweat
- sweating
- perspire
- perspiration
- sweaty
- heavy breathing
- muscle
- physique
- toned
- ripped
- work out
- working out
- physical exertion
- exertion
- effort
- exercising
- workout
- home
- house
- gym
- determined
- focus
- focused
- concentration
- clean
- power clean
- power cleans
- free weights
- dumbbell
- barbell
- young adult
- millenial
- young
- man
- male
- guy
- caucasian
- white