Florist Ties Twine Around a Bouquet of Flowers
Clip Details
- Clip ID: FFAAG0058
- Scene ID: AAA0613
- Frame Rate: 23.976
- File Type: ProRes and MP4
- Resolution: 3840x2160
- Filmed in the USA
- Filmmaker: FILMPAC
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Relevant Keywords
- florist
- florist shop
- flower store
- flowers
- floral
- flower
- blossom
- bloom
- petal
- color
- colorful
- bouquet
- spring
- grow
- growth
- rose
- roses
- stem
- springtime
- tie
- tying
- string
- twine
- ready
- get ready
- prepare
- preparation
- young adult
- millenial
- young
- woman
- female
- lady
- caucasian
- white