A Man Using a Fork to Eat Salad
Clip Details
- Clip ID: FFAAH5005
- Scene ID: AAB0265
- Frame Rate: 23.976
- File Type: ProRes and MP4
- Resolution: 3840x2160
- Filmed in the USA
- Filmmaker: FILMPAC
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Relevant Keywords
- wellbeing
- well-being
- wellness
- health
- healthy
- obese
- obesity
- fat
- overweight
- eat
- eating
- food
- nutrition
- vegetable
- vegetables
- meal
- meal prep
- veggie
- salad
- lettuce
- red pepper
- pepper
- dressing
- salad dressing
- mixing
- utensil
- cut weight
- weight loss
- young adult
- millenial
- young
- man
- male
- guy
- caucasian
- white