Cool Guy Sits In Convertible With Sunglasses On
Clip Details
- Clip ID: FFAAH7377
- Scene ID: AAB0344
- Frame Rate: 23.976
- File Type: ProRes and MP4
- Resolution: 3840x2160
- Filmed in the USA
- Filmmaker: FILMPAC
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Relevant Keywords
- aggressive
- bold
- fierce
- aggression
- drive
- vehicle
- car
- automobile
- automotive vehicle
- motor vehicle
- luxury
- wealth
- wealthiness
- lavish
- rich
- luxurious
- sophisticated
- cool
- dark
- darkness
- car light
- car lights
- light
- lighting
- auto
- serious
- night time
- night
- car beam
- head light
- speed
- fast
- lights
- flash
- high end
- metal
- white
- sexy
- convertible
- roof
- rooftop
- top
- driving
- steering
- suit
- tie
- day time
- daytime
- afternoon
- daylight
- day
- formal
- formalwear
- fashion
- fashionista
- style
- glam
- glamorous
- desert
- vast
- desert flat
- desolate
- desert lands
- sun
- sunny
- sunshine
- hazy
- haze
- open
- opening
- sun setting
- sunset
- sunglasses
- profile
- thoughtful
- model
- hold
- holding
- hand
- steering wheel
- sit
- sits
- sitting
- gorgeous
- babe
- wind
- windy
- flow
- flowy
- flowing
- barren
- young adult
- millenial
- young
- man
- male
- guy
- caucasian