Empty Treatment Plant
Clip Details
- Clip ID: FFAAJ5629
- Scene ID: AAB0991
- Frame Rate: 23.976
- File Type: ProRes and MP4
- Resolution: 3840x2160
- Filmed in the USA
- Filmmaker: FILMPAC
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Relevant Keywords
- business
- work
- office
- job
- professional
- workplace
- worker
- working
- occupation
- blue collar
- manual labor
- factory
- wage
- manual
- industrial
- mills
- factories
- aerial
- drone
- arial
- from above
- above
- aerial view
- day
- daylight
- afternoon
- a.m.
- am
- daytime
- day time
- pollution
- filthy
- contaminating
- current
- treatment plant
- environmentalist
- environment
- environmental
- chemicals
- sustainability
- energy
- conservation
- preservation
- ecology
- climate
- ecological
- purification
- cleansing
- water treatment
- refining
- naturalist
- ecologist
- green
- eco-friendly
- fountain
- waste
- sunshine
- sunny
- sun
- sun beam
- view
- scenic
- natural beauty
- eco
- mother earth
- shape
- circle
- round
- empty