30-Something Ceo with Glasses Smiles and Shakes Hands with Client After Big Deal Is Made at Office in Natural Light
Clip Details
- Clip ID: FFAAM5346
- Scene ID: AAC0468
- Frame Rate: 23.976
- File Type: ProRes and MP4
- Resolution: 3840x2160
- Filmed in the USA
- Filmmaker: FILMPAC
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Corporate Business Meeting
Relevant Keywords
- day
- daytime
- contemplative
- business
- corporate
- suit
- jacket
- light
- room
- executive
- shake
- shaking
- hands
- hand
- firm
- white collar
- client
- office
- fortune 500
- businessmen
- businessman
- project
- deal
- business meeting
- 30-something
- ceo
- glasses
- smile
- smiling
- big
- natural light
- agreement
- young adult
- millenial
- young
- man
- male
- guy
- caucasian
- white
- millennial
- asian
- oriental