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Explore our newest articles, brimming with strategies, trends, and practical tips to revolutionize your projects with our premium stock footage and music.


A Look Behind-the-Scenes of the Filmpac Story

6 years ago, I had a dream and began working on a wild idea: Filmpac. I had been a freelance videographer and filmmaker for some time....

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The Latest

How To Maximize Your Efficiency As A Filmmaker

One of the most difficult parts of being a professional filmmaker is effectively managing and budgeting your time.

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Virtual Reality Is A Sleeping Giant

Virtual reality could be the biggest shift in the way we consume our content since the proliferation of the smartphone.

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Will iPhones Ever Replace DSLRs?

Will iPhone cameras ever actually replace high-quality digital cameras, or is that just more fear-mongering on the internet?

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Will 8K Video Ever Become The Standard?

Things move fast in the current video content production world, in terms of both trends and available technology. So where is 8k video?

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The 5 Best AI Tools for Filmmakers

In the world of filmmaking, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changer. Here are the 5 best AI tools for filmmakers

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How Elevate Your Filmmaking Experience With Cinematic Stock Footage

One powerful tool that has revolutionized the filmmaking industry is cinematic stock footage. Here's where to find it.

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3 Factors to Consider When Buying Royalty-Free Video Clips

By focusing on these three factors, you can hone in on the right resources and the right video clips for your needs.

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How Will Artificial Intelligence Impact Video Editing?

AI Technology is here, and it’s here to stay. Here's how creatives and filmmakers can use it to their advantage.

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4 Recession Tips For Your Video Business

While a recession could force you to do things a bit differently for a while, it doesn’t mean the end of your company and livelihood.

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4 New Year’s Resolutions For Filmmakers

We think 2023 will be the biggest and best year yet for independent filmmakers, and here are 4 New Year’s Resolutions to make that happen.

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5 Digital Tools Every Filmmaker Needs

We’ve talked a lot about gear, but the digital realm is just as important. Here's what the average filmmaker shouldn’t live without.

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Top 6 Ways To Make Money As A Professional Filmmaker

There has never been a better time to be a professional video creator than right now. These are the 6 best ways to make money as a filmmaker.

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The 5 Best Drones of 2023

Drones are arguably the most influential and fastest-evolving category of filmmaking equipment to hit the market in the last decade.

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The 3 Best Ways To Land New Video Clients

In today’s hyper-competitive video production market, bringing new clients in the door is getting harder and harder.

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5 Best DSLRs And Mirrorless Cameras

The small, handheld design of today's DSLRs and mirrorless cameras make them a popular choice for both photographers and indie filmmakers.

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The Complete Guide For Video Production

From small web videos to feature films, every video production goes through a process. Today, we’ll break it all down for you.

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The 5 Best Cinema Cameras Of 2022

If you feel like there’s a new cinema camera being released every other week these days, you’re not far off! Here are our favorites.

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The Fastest Ways to Create Additional Revenue with YouTube: 4 Ideas That Actually Work

Do a YouTube search for "how much I made in 2021"  and you may be surprised to find how many YouTubers make good money with their videos.

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When Do I Need A Talent Release?

The legal side of filmmaking can seem completely foreign. One of the most common things in this area is the talent release form.

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How To Budget A Video Project

So you've got your first paid video production gig as a filmmaker. Now, the question is how do you budget it?

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Why Is Widescreen More Cinematic?

What makes widescreen aspect ratios so cinematic? Well, it all has to do with the way that we’ve grown accustomed to viewing video content.

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A Look Behind-the-Scenes of the Filmpac Story

6 years ago, I had a dream and began working on a wild idea: Filmpac. I had been a freelance videographer and filmmaker for some time....

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Why Use Stock Footage?

If you're confused about why directors, producers, and editors make that decision to use stock footage, this is the article for you.

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The 11 Most Popular Uses Of Stock Footage

Stock footage has tons of different uses. And today on the blog, we're going to outline the 11 most popular ones.

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What Is Stock Footage?

Cameras, COVID, and the chronicles of stock footage; this article is the history of stock footage, explained.

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3 New Video Content Trends You Need To Keep Up With (And 2 You Need To Leave Behind)

Today, we’ll help sort through the noise, and identify 3 new video trends you need to keep up with (and 3 you need to leave behind).

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Making A Spec Ad With Stock From Scratch

In this video, we're going to be cutting a branding spec ad for Alaska Airlines, using only stock footage and music from Filmpac’s library.

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Turn Your Side Hustle Into A Business With These 5 Tips

There has never been a better time for you to turn your side hustle into a way to make a living. We'll share some tips to take that big step.

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No Film School Feature: An Exploration into the (Surprisingly) Bright Future of Stock Footage

What if you were told that stock footage is a cool thing that film and video professionals should check out. What is this—1999?

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What Does “Royalty-Free” Really Mean?

If you're a filmmaker, you’ve probably come across the term “Royalty-Free”. But what does this really mean?

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Start creating with our free Beginnings Collection.

Filmpac Beginnings
  • 20 Free Clips
  • 3 Free Songs
  • 30 Free Sound Effects